Be International se účastní dalšího mezinárodního projektu, tentokráte semináře na téma Conflict managment v hlavním městě Kosova, od 3. do 10. února 2011. Jako účasntíky hledáme 3 aktivní členy organizace.

Informace o projektu:

The Training Course “Youth for a Common Future – Creativity in ConflictTransformation” will be organized for 33 youth workers from YiA Programme countriesand Partner Countries from South East Europe (Kosovo, Czech Republic, Albania,Estonia, Germany, Macedonia, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey). Thetraining is aimed to deal with conflict and conflict transformation in general terms, toprovide basic education on roots of conflicts and conflict management strategies. Asecond major element of the training will be the role of young people in conflicttransformation and processes of reconciliation as well as the function of grass-rootinitiatives lead by young people.

The training course will take place in Pristina from 03 February to 10 February 2012.

Aims and Objectives

– To study conflict and conflict transformation

– To share own experience of conflict management

– To highlight the importance of youth participation in conflict transformation andprocesses of reconciliation

– To promote youth as a key factor in conflict transformation in SEE and EU

– To work on future plans for European cooperation on youth project on conflicttransformation


Infopack projektu k nahlédnutí zde.

Užitečné informace zde.

Informace k cestě zde.


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