– To najlepšie z oboch kuchýň. Baklava v. perníčky – kto bude šampión?
– Kapelu Ziriab, ktorá predstaví tradičnú sýrsku a arabskú hudbu
– Príležitosť zoznámiť sa so Sýranmi, Brňákmi, exapatami, neziskovkami a ich príbehmi
– Ukončenie zbierky oblečenia pre utečenecké tábory na Blízkom východeTešíme sa na Vás!
Syrian-Czech Christmas!
We would like to invite you to a Christmas concert and intercultural evening, which will take place in Moravian Gallery on December 19th. You will have an opportunity to taste the best from both Czech and Syrian cuisine, listen to Arabic music by artist Ziriab and end a collection of clothes for Syrians in refugee camps with us >>> http://on.fb.me/1GjKQrI
Syreczech is over (at least for this year) and we would like to throw a party. There is definitely a reason for that – during the last few months we managed to organize series of public discussions, screenings and intercultural evenings and we would like you to celebrate with us!
On December 19th you should be ready for:
– The best from our national cuisines
– Traditional Syrian and Arabic music
– Great opportunity to get to know Syrians, people of Brno, expats, NGOs and their stories
– Official ending of clothes collection for refugee camps in the Middle East
Looking forward to see you!
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