Project Description

Active Against Discrimination, Krzyzova, Polsko, 25.10.-2.11.

Účastníci se z projektů vrací vždy nadšení. Není tomu ani jinak u projektu na téma aktivního boje s diskriminaci, který se konal v Polsku na přelomu října a listopadu 2015. Níže si můžete přečíst krátké shrnutí projektu účastníky.

For a week, 24 people from 8 different countries have been united by the same cause in the beautiful Polish place Krzyżowa. They were volunteering their time to help find a way to fight against the problems that discrimination causes.

It is a well-known fact that our society is deeply divided on many important issues. Also, some of the particular forms of unequalness have been around for a long time so people from Malta, Macedonia, Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic and Poland got together in hopes of making Europe a better place for everyone regardless of their gender, race, age, sexual orientation, religion and ethnicity.

Through one too many workshops, simulations, discussions and exercises we were able to put ourselves in the shoes of every possible situation that a person could be discriminated in. We got to experience all kinds of negative feelings associated with being left out. We tried to figure out a way and discuss possibilities some people encounter on daily basis.

In the environment of such a diverse group we succeeded accumulating a lot of different viewpoints. We helped one another to open our minds even more.

We had the opportunity to visit Poland and get to see a new country that is so beautiful, and surprised us all with the hospitality and amazing people it has.

We were able to do this thanks to the one of the many opportunities ERASMUS + has to offer. A lot of people know that the European Commission funds thousands of projects in different key action areas for people who want to make a difference.

We also got to meet new friends from different cultures and defied the stereotypes and prejudices that we may have had about each other.

We strongly encourage everyone to get involved and explore the possibilities that ERASMUS + has to offer. That way any person can enrich themselves and encourage the best in others as well.”

Další zajímavé články o tomto projektu můžete najít třeba zde.