(for information in English please see below)

Toto je Evropská dobrovolná služba – seznamte se s ideálním balíčkem pro mladého člověka, který chce do světa na zkušenou. Život v zahraničí, práce pro nevládky, potkávání místních a někdy taky natáčení dokumentu. A to vše hrazeno z programu Erasmus+ a zařízeno přes Be International 😉

Tento čtvrtek potkáte EDSku v 18:55 v Rockin’ Café, kde v ČR premiérově promítneme dokument “Divided”, který se věnuje gruzínsko-osetínskému konfliktu. Za dokumentem stojí i Jan Blinka, dobrovolník, který žil půl roku v Gruzii právě na EDS díky Be International. Více informací o dokumentu najdete tady: https://www.facebook.com/dividedmovie

Během večera představíme Evropskou dobrovolnou službu. Jaké to je být dobrovolníkem v cizí zemi, co program nabízí a jak se do něho mohu zapojit? O tom budou diskuovat exdobrovolníci a koordinátor EDS Dato Inashvili.

Těšíme se na vás! Na událost na facebooku se přidejte tady. 

P. S. Dokument, představení EVS i diskuze budou probíhat v angličtině.

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Get to know European Voluntary Service – the full package experience for young people! Living abroad, working for NGOs, getting to know locals and sometimes even shooting a documentary movie. All covered by Erasmus+ program and all provided by Be International.

We will meet on Thursday October 16th at 18:55 in Rockin Café for the film screening evening, where we show fresh release work – done by our EVS volunteers in Georgia. The documentary takes an outsiders view of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

During the evening, we will introduce you European Voluntary Service (EVS). So get ready! Come and get to know ex-volunteers and prepare to make new steps in your life.

And for warming up, please enjoy a piece of synopsis from movie “divided” and get to know our volunteer Jan Blinka

Jan Blinka is from Czech Republic and he was volunteering in Tbilisi at local NGO: “Caucasian House” during the period of 6 months. “Be International” has been responsible for his sending within European Voluntary Service project and we are calling you to see his designed work and take part in discussions afterwards.

“Divided” is a documentary film which tells the story of two peoples separated by conflict and strife. From a team of international film-makers, it takes an outsiders view of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict, critically analysing Georgian attitudes towards Ossetians and how they have shaped the conflict while addressing a lack of understanding of the conflict by today’s youth.Interviews were held with historians, sociologists and political scientists, both Georgian and international; as well as people who have taken an active part or been witness to the conflict,and those who continue to be affected by it today.

See you soon! Join the facebook event here.

P. S. You will have a chance to practice your English, the event itself will be international 🙂